Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Melonie George
Elementary Staff
Alexandria Gibson
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Kirby Gilson
Assistant Football Coach
Activities Staff
Jeff Giza
Head Baseball Coach / Asst. Bowling Coach
Activities Staff
Lori Giza
Middle School Staff
Rachel Glenn
Elementary Title Teacher
Elementary Staff
Breanda Glosser
Food Service
District Staff
Jerry Graeve
Elementary Head Custodian
Elementary Staff
Dorothy Graham
High School Staff
Page Gray
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Annie Halsband
Elementary Success Coach
Elementary Staff
Regina Haltom
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary Staff
Tanya Hardy
5th /6th Grade Band Teacher
Middle School Staff
Doug Heaberlin
Head Womens Wrestling Coach
Activities Staff
LeeAnn Helgevold
Instructional Strategist
High School Staff
Heidi Hembry
Elementary Staff
Dave Henderson
Clarke Learning Center Teacher
High School Staff
Zadie Henrichs
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Shelley Hewitt
Elementary Staff
Todd Hiatt
Yellow Bus Driver
District Staff