Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
De Blackford
HS Math Teacher
High School Staff
Joseph Blazevich
High School Principal
Katie Boggs
Payroll/Accounts Payable
Central Office Staff
Tricia Bolton
Elementary Title 1 Reading Teacher
Elementary Staff
Caleb Brandauer
8th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Staff
Patricia Brenizer
Elementary Instructional Strategist
Elementary Staff
Sue Brimm
Activities Assistant
Activities Staff
Ryan Britt
Elementary Staff
Stephanie Brown
Director of Teaching and Learning
Central Office Staff
Francis Brown
Small Vehicle Driver
District Staff
Lydia Bruns
Preschool Teacher
Elementary Staff
Jessica Bucklin
HS Social Studies Teacher
High School Staff
Kerri Buddenhagen
Middle School Staff
Derek Butterfield
Transportation mechanic
Kris Campfield
Elementary Title I Math
Elementary Staff
Scott Campfield
Asst. MS Football / Wrestling Coach
Activities Staff
Layla Carney
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Carley Carrall
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff