Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Hannah Thatcher
2nd Grade
Elementary Staff
Katherine Thostenson
HS English Teacher
High School Staff
Maribel Torres
Administrative Interpreter & Community Liaison
Central Office Staff
641-342-6505 x 2003
Staci Tull
Administrative Secretary
Central Office Staff
Derek Van Blarcom
Athletics/Activities Director
Activities Staff
Larita VanBuren
Elementary Staff
Lorrie Van Pelt
Elementary Staff
Maria Vargas
Library Assistant
Elementary Staff
Shane Wagoner
Success Coach
High School Staff
Amy Walker
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary Staff
Lisa Wall
Middle School Staff
Joseph Walljasper
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Stacia Watkins
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary Staff
Kayla Welch
5th Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Cory Wenthe
Elementary Assistant Principal
Elementary Staff
Mark West
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Michelle Wheeler
5th Grade Teacher
Elementary Staff
Mike White
MS/HS Industrial Tech Teacher
High School Staff
Kelly Wiley
MS/HS Librarian
High School Staff
Angie Williams
School Business Manager
Central Office Staff