Dear Students, Parents, Guardians, and Community Members,
Welcome to our BLACK TIE AFFAIR. This year’s prom location is different than the recent years past. It will be held at the Clarke County Fair Building. All are welcome to attend the walk in. Please remember COVID social distancing and mask requirements will be in place for this event. The following synopsis is how the event will take place.
- Patrons may arrive whenever it is convenient for them noting that attendees will arrive no earlier than 6:30 for the walk in. Parking instructions will be provided below.
- Prom attendees can arrive at 6:30 no later than 7:30. The doors for prom attendees will open at 6:30 and close at 7:30. The dancing will begin at 7:00. Please note: no family members or community members are allowed inside the venue.
- We encourage all of you to keep abreast of the weather situation. One never knows when an umbrella or blanket will be needed. It’s Iowa weather, so be prepared.
- Prom attendees will drive their vehicles to the area marked D on the map. If you do not want to do the walk in, you still enter the same way, but instead of getting out at D, you will continue on around and park in the S (student parking) which is marked on the above map. If you are exiting at D, the attendees will exit vehicle and the student’s designated driver will drive and park the vehicle in lot S. Key exchange can be made at the walk in. Once the vehicle is parked, the driver will return the keys to the owner/operator of the vehicle at the main entrance; the driver will then return to be part of the crowd of spectators.
The photo above provides you a rendering of how you should enter into the fair grounds depending on why you are going.
GE is the guest entrance. This is indicated with the yellow line.
P is the only area guest are to park. This is indicated with the black letter P.
SE is Student Entrance for those who are actually attending prom. If a student is not attending prom; he or she is to use the GE or guest entrance and park in P.
The SE is indicated with the red route around to D, Drop Off area. This is the location where the Prom attendees will stop and exit vehicle. The student will be responsible for having a person there to get in vehicle and drive it to the student parking indicated by the letter P unless the student is not wanting to do the walk in.
The blue line is the route the prom attendees will follow as the go through to the walk in.
Guest may line the sidewalk marked on the map in blue to either side but must stay back at least three feet from the side walk. We also ask that the guests do not crowd the main entrance to the fair building as many people will want to see their students enter. Remember this event is for the students; let’s make sure this is all about them.
The doors to enter prom will open at 6:30 and close at 7:30. Prom attendees will not need to wear mask outside on approach to walk in. Once Prom attendees enter the building masks need to stay on and worn properly.
Note: This event is a fluid event. It is a new location this year, and last-minute minor changes may occur. Please remain positive and flexible.