
To: All Clarke Elementary School staff, parents and guardians 

From: Dr. Alan Dykens, Superintendent and Mrs. Jody Kerchal, Clarke Elementary Principal

Date: 29 November, 2022

Re:  School Radon Testing

Student learning and the safety of students, staff and community are priorities for Clarke CSD. The administration of Clarke CSD is providing you with this notification that initial radon screening will be conducted 12 – 16 December, 2022. The testing is not harmful in any way, and there is no need for students, parents and teachers to do anything special in preparation.

Radon testing is required at least once every 5 years for all Iowa public school attendance centers, licensed preschools and licensed child care centers. Radon is naturally occurring everywhere, but, if elevated, can cause an increased risk of lung cancer over the course of a person’s lifetime. Our district has received training and has proactively placed all of our buildings on a rotating radon test schedule.

To test for radon in the air, kits that look like small envelopes will be used in our learning spaces. It is important these kits are not disturbed, and that exterior windows and doors are kept closed except for normal entry and exit. The envelopes will be left in place for [5] school days. 

Final radon testing results will be communicated by the Clarke CSD Radon Team to the board of education, staff and the public on our website. In the event that elevated levels during occupied hours are found, steps will be taken to correct the issue using methods suggested by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

For most students and staff, research suggests that school and workplaces are actually the second largest contributors to radon exposure. The home is likely to be the most significant source of radon exposure. Therefore, parents and staff are encouraged to also test their homes for radon and to take action to reduce elevated concentrations.

If you have further questions regarding radon testing in Clarke CSD, please feel free to contact Dr. Alan Dykens, Superintendent at alan.dykens@clarkecsd.org. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. 

School Radon Screening – What is Radon?

Student learning and the safety of students, staff and community are priorities for Clarke CSD

This memo is notification that initial radon testing will be conducted at our Elementary building during the next several weeks. The testing is not harmful in any way, and there is no need for students, parents or teachers to do anything special in preparation. 

What is Radon? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It comes from the natural breakdown or decay of uranium, which is found in soil and rock all over the U.S. and the world. Because radon is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, the only way to know if it is present is to test for it.

How Radon Gets Indoors Radon travels through the ground and into the air above, entering buildings through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Every building has the potential for unsafe levels of radon. If radon becomes trapped inside, it can build up and become a health safety problem in buildings. 

Health Effects Prolonged exposure to elevated radon concentrations causes an increased risk of lung cancer. The decay products resulting from radon gas are the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers in the United States. It is estimated that 22,000 people a year die of radon-related lung cancer. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. 

Testing Radon testing is required at least once every 5 years for all Iowa public school attendance centers, licensed preschools and licensed child care centers. Radon is naturally occurring everywhere, but, if elevated, can cause an increased risk of lung cancer over the course of a person’s lifetime. 

Our district has received training and has proactively placed all of our buildings on a rotating radon test schedule. Next year, we will test the High School/Middle School, and the year after we will test all other areas not tested.  Our maintenance staff members will administer the tests.

To test for radon, kits that look like small envelopes will be used in our learning spaces. It is important these kits are not disturbed, and that exterior windows and doors are kept closed except for normal entry and exit. The envelopes will be left in place for [5] school days. 

Final radon testing results will be communicated by the School Radon Team to the board of education, staff and the public on our website. In the event that elevated levels during occupied hours are found, steps will be taken to correct the issue using methods suggested by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Alan Dykens , Superintendent, at 641-342-4969 or _alan.dykens@clarkecsd.orgThank you, in advance, for your cooperation.