
Notification Regarding Participation in a Research Study

Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Dr. Scott Bull and I am a sport management faculty member at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. We are working with the Iowa High School Athletic Association on a study regarding participation in high school football in Iowa. The purpose of the study is to discover reasons for students participating, or not, in the sport of football. All male high school students in Iowa are being invited to participate in an anonymous survey, which will be conducted in the student’s school. The IHSAA is facilitating this communication with you to give you the opportunity to decide if you would like your student to participate.

If you and your student agree to participate, we will ask him to complete a short survey to be 
given at the school in the next two weeks. The survey will be completed online using a school computer and no personally identifiable information will be collected. If a student indicates at any time that he does not want to participate, the survey will not be given.

Risks and Discomforts:

There are no anticipated risks to this study beyond what you would encounter in everyday life.

Possible Benefits:

Your student will not receive any benefits from participation in the study. Participation will add 
to the knowledge on students’ reasons for playing football, or not playing football, in High 


The survey is expected to take between two and ten minutes to complete.


No personally identifiable information will be collected. If a report of this study is published, 
only group results will be presented.

Payment/ Compensation Disclaimer:

The participants will not be paid for completing the survey.


Questions can be directed to Grand View University Institutional Review Board Chairperson, Dr. 
Bryan McQuide, 515-263-2993, or the principal investigator, Dr. Scott Bull, 
515- 263-2942,

Explanation of Ability to Decline Participation:

This study is completely voluntary. Parents or students may decide that the student should not participate. Students can refuse to answer any or all questions or can discontinue the survey at any time with no penalty and no action will be taken against you or your student. If your child is 18 or older, they may choose whether to participate in the study when it is administered at their school. If your child is under 18 and you do not consent to your son’s participation in this research, please contact your high school administrator or Dr. Scott Bull by November 4th to withdraw your child from participation in this research study. The survey will not be given to your child.

Consent to participate:

If your child is under 18, you may choose to consent to their participation in this study by doing nothing; your son will be given the survey at his high school and given all of the directions at that time, including information about the right to stop at any time and to skip any questions he does not feel comfortable answering.


When this study is completed, the results and summary will be posted on the Grand View University Sport Management program site at

Thank you, Dr. Scott Bull

Grand View University