Dele click a la conección de abajo para aprender acerca del Plan de Aprendizaje Continuo de Clarke que empezará el lunes 13 de abril.
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
Click on the link below to learn about Clarke's Continuous Learning Plan that will begin on Monday, April 13th.
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
From Lifetouch: we are looking at ways we might safely and securely get images to parents so they may order spring pictures. Thank you for your patience. We will communicate to schools when we have figured out a strategy.
almost 5 years ago, Jody Kerchal
All CCSD athletic facilities both inside and outside are now CLOSED until further notice. All events/activities through April 30th are cancelled/postponed. Spring/summer sports are NOT cancelled at this point. Please adhere to CDC/Local guidance. #ClarkeONE
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Please click on the link below to fill out a technology needs survey by Wednesday, April 8th.
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
Por favor haga click en la conección de abajo para llenar un questionario de necesidades de tecnología antes del miércoles 8 de abril. Gracias
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
Clarke Elementary playgrounds are closed until further notice. We ask that all students stay out out of the playground. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Jody Kerchal
larke Community School Students, Families, and Staff, Yesterday the Governor extended the existing school closure through April 30th, 2020. As a result, all Clarke schools will remain closed. All school athletics and programs are cancelled. Continuous Learning information will be provided soon. ​Please contact Steve Seid, Superintendent at 641-342-4969 ext. 6 with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
ATTN CLASS OF 2020! Complete this google form by April 20. It is the newspaper questionnaire that graduating students complete. After submitting, there will be instructions for submitting a picture. Email w/questions.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Meal distribution 11-noon. Some locations have adjusted meal handing out procedure. Please be patient with this change.
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
The only way to beat what we are experiencing is to make sure the curve doesn't spike. Parents/Guardians know where your kids are. Don't let them gather until we are told it's okay. Be tough on each other right now. Stay at home. #CLARKEONE (Only Needs Everyone)
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Meal distribution is happening now. 11:00-noon. Hope to see you!
almost 5 years ago, Jody Kerchal
New guidelines for grab & go meals: "Under the new USDA guidance, children do not need to be present at the meal sites. Parents and caregivers will be asked to share the school name where each child attends, if they are of school age." For full info:
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Meal distribution is happening now 11-noon! Kids must be present to receive food.
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Clarke Community Schools Update: Student Nutrition & Staff Pay
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke Meal Distribution Information (Spanish translation) DISTRIBUCIÓN DE COMIDA EN LAS ESCUELAS CLARKE
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
SWCC Students: Online classes will continue without interruption. High school students taking face-to-face concurrent enrollment courses at local high schools (including C-D) will follow the high school calendars. If there are questions, contact (2/2)
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
SWCC Students: Face-to-face classes at campus and centers (including ICN delivery) will transition to online delivery Mon, Mar 23rd. Classes will be delivered online until at least Fri, Apr 3. Watch for communication from instructors (via email or Canvas Inbox) for details. (1/2)
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
sack lunch