Homecoming t-shirts just $5! On sale now at field entrance!!
over 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Thank you to the Osceola Volunteer Fire Department for responding to our fire alarm this afternoon. The kiln overheated but there was never a fire. The new kiln had been tested before, however the combination of a hot kiln and no air condition equates to a fire alarm. All students and staff exited the building safely. Happy Homecoming!
over 4 years ago, Becca Kedley
Fire department
VIP Football Parking (south of HS baseball field). We are taking the first 44 people to email Randy Bolton at rbolton@clarke.k12.ia.us stating you would like to reserve a spot. Each parking spot will cost $10 to be paid upon your entrance into the lot. This does not include admission. In order to enter this VIP parking lot, you must use N. Delaware St. off of Clay St. This will be pavement for a block and then gravel. We will have the entrance marked and will have a staff member there with the list of names and will take your cash or check.
over 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
T-Minus 30 minutes until the Parade!! Remember, it STARTS on the new road to the school and will end by the pool!! See you all there and go Clarke!!
over 4 years ago, Shane Majerus
We wanted to clarify. The Elementary School will dismiss at regular time today. 3:00.
over 4 years ago, Becca Kedley
Reminder: there is no school on Monday, September 21st. It is a teacher work day.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Reminder that the reverse parade starts at the high school at 1:45pm today!!! Start on the new Seminole road and drive around the school to cheer our our athletes and support our clubs!
over 4 years ago, Shane Majerus
Picture day is September 23rd. Your student(s) can pick up packets in the high school office starting Friday, September 11th.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Homecoming shirts will be sold Friday at two different locations and times: outside at the elementary at 2:15 pm along Kossuth Street and along the path leading to the football field from 6:30-7:45 pm. There are currently sizes Youth Small-Adult 2x available and selling will continue now until 6pm at the high school rooms 110-111.
over 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Mrs. Singleton and Ms. Thostenson come from the future dressed up for Clarke Homecoming!
over 4 years ago, Brad Lampe
Prepared for laser tag.
Back to the Future.
Game Reminders for September 18th football game against Chariton: We will have two separate lines for entering the football/track complex. The Clarke fans will use the two windows on the north side of the ticket booth. Our guests will use the window on the south side. The single set of bleachers on the home side will NOT be set-aside for Elementary and Middle School students this year. It can be used by any adults, with or without the student they are supervising. Masks are required to enter the football/track complex Friday night. We Highly Recommend spectators to wear masks within our facilities. Students are required to wear masks where social distancing is not possible. Spectators are expected to leave immediately following the conclusion of the game. PK-5 students must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. PK-5 students are the responsibility of that adult and should remain seated/standing next to them during the entire game. Students who are away from their seats may be asked to leave. Students are not allowed to play football or any other games while within the football complex. Concessions & Admission Social distancing is expected while waiting in lines. Exact change preferred and debit/credit cards are accepted at concessions only. ** Our goal is that our student/athletes and teams can continue practicing a playing every day of their seasons. All of our cooperation in following protocols helps to make our goal more likely.
over 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Elementary Air Update: Our classrooms are ranging from High 70's to High 80's. If you are concerned for your child in the heat, it will be marked as an excused absence if you choose to pick them up. We are eagerly awaiting the parts.
over 4 years ago, Jody Kerchal
The After Prom Parent Organization is having a meeting tonight at 5:30pm at East Lake Park at the Redfern Shelter(on the top of the hill on the west (left) side of the lake). All Junior class parents are invited. Please Come! We have a lot to discuss and will pick officers.
over 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Homecoming t-shirt sales begin today in high school rooms 110-111. Sales are from 3:30-6:00. Cost is $5. We accept cash or checks. Shirts will be available until six today, Wednesday, and Thursday!
over 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Homecoming t-shirts will be sold after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30-6 at the HS. Come to rooms 110 and 111. Cost of shirts is $5. Cash or check only.
over 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Familias con Estudiantes Virtuales, Nosotros pediremos que todos los estudiantes K-12 tomen el examen de diagnóstico llamado i-Ready antes del 6 de octubre (10/16). En la escuela primaria ya empezaron el examen y en la secundaria el examen será la semana del 5 de octubre. Nosotros hemos creado dos videos para ayudar a que usted guíe a su estudiante virtual en completar el examen i-Ready . El primer video explica que es el examen i-Ready y como nosotros usamos la información que el examen provee. El 2do video le enseñará a las familias como tener acceso al examen para sus estudiantes y como ustedes pueden ayudarlos antes y durante el examen. Los dos videos pueden ser vistos aquí (letras azules): https://tinyurl.com/clarkeiready
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
Virtual Learner Families, We will be asking all K-12 students to take the i-Ready diagnostic assessment before 10/16. Our elementary building has already begun to test and our secondary building will test the week of October 5th. We have created two videos to help you support your virtual learner in completing the i-Ready assessment. The 1st video will explain what the i-Ready test is and how we use the data it provides. The 2nd video will walk families through how their student will access the assessment and how you can support your student before and during the test. Both videos can be accessed at: https://tinyurl.com/clarkeiready
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
The school Food Pantry will be open for curbside service from 4-5 today.
over 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Happy homecoming week! Clarke Student Council is hosting a free will donation drive-in movie Thursday night at 8pm. The movie will be Back to the Future. Concessions and bathrooms available. Bring lawn chairs if you don't want to sit in your car.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools