Just a reminder, if your student is in need of clothing, shoes, or coats (limited sizes available), please contact our Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath by calling the office of the school your child attends.
Our method of livestreaming the basketball games tonight will be via this link: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/o/clarke-athletics/page/2020-2021-activity-live-stream
Go to school website, Activities Page, Menu and then to 2020-2021 Activity-live-stream
Please be reminded that to attend any home or away high school events, you must be on a pass list generated by the Activities Office at least through 12/10. Wearing of masks is also required inside all schools in Iowa.
The Graphic Edge Team Apparel store orders have arrived. Please make arrangements to have them picked up. They are in our Activities Office in the auditorium area of the high school.
After talking to a few administrators, we have decided that hosting the 5th grade band concert tonight (12/1) is not a safe choice. With stricter rules for activities and large gatherings happening at Thanksgiving we are not willing to risk the health and safety of our students and their families. We apologize for the lateness in this decision but feel it is the best decision at this point. Please contact Jody Kerchal if you have any questions.
Reminder: The Clarke Food Pantry will be giving away bags of groceries from 4-5 today in the Central Office parking lot. Please walk toward the CLC doors and someone will set bags out for you. Open to any Clarke student/family.
Today is the last day to earn DOUBLE on your donated Casey's Rewards points through "Cash for Classrooms" for our new playground. Casey's will match up to $25,000. Read to find out more: https://tinyurl.com/y2j92dzp
To watch the live stream of the girls basketball game tonight, go to the Clarke Community Schools Facebook page at 6:50 to receive the YouTube link to watch the JV game. This game is only 2 quarters. The link for the varsity game will go live 10 minutes before the start of the varsity game. Estimated time is 6:45.
Clarke Community Schools continues to follow IDPH guidance that, if anyone in the household is being tested for COVID-19, please keep all other household members home until results are known. Click below for a link that explains quarantine vs. isolation. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/coronavirus-related-information
Holiday Guidance: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/354931?org=clarke-community-schools
$50,000 for the Elementary Playground--Read on to see how you can easily help! (Spanish below) https://tinyurl.com/y2j92dzp
Reminder: The Clarke Food Pantry will be handing out groceries from 4-5 pm today at the Central Office parking lot. Please walk to the CLC doors and your bags will be there for you. Open to any Clarke student and family!
Covid Update: Covid Dashboard-https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/coronavirus-related-information
Per the Governor's most recent proclamation announced tonight. All youth and middle school sports have been suspended through December 10th. This includes practices and competition.
Elementary students earned a pajama day tomorrow (11/17) by earning so many tickets for good behaviors!!
The Clarke Food Pantry will be handing out groceries today from 4-5 pm in the Central Office Parking lot. Please come toward the door and groceries will be set there for you. Open to all Clarke students and their families.
A high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. There were no close contacts.
I-Smile FREE Dental Service for students K-5th grade is back this year! New this year, you can sign up online by December 4th! See article for details! https://tinyurl.com/y6m2jasy
Stay Home Reminder: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/348184?org=clarke-community-schools
When coming to watch the musical this weekend, you can use the new entrance on the south side of the building as well as entrance #32 by the auditorium. Reserved seating only in the auditorium, with general admission viewing locations in the old cafeteria and lounge located next to the high school offices. Remember that masks are required and temperatures will be checked at the door.