A high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been notified.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
Sectional Wrestling in Winterset tomorrow starts at noon this Saturday. You can watch via live stream at: https://youtu.be/Kh96t7YaBSQ Good luck to our wrestlers and coaches!!
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
All activities scheduled for today have been either cancelled or postponed. Please check at https://www.southcentralconf.org/public/genie/664/school/6/ for most updated information available.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Due to predicted weather, Clarke Schools will be closed today. No evening activities.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
A high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been notified.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
The high school after school Study Table will meet in the Commons Area instead of the LMC, for today only.
almost 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
The JV/V Boys Basketball games at Lamoni tonight will have NO spectator limitations. Masks are required. It would be a great night to drive south to watch our teams in action. First game at 6pm.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Livestream link for Girls Varsity vs. Knoxville https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_P2c-Dko294
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our live stream of the JV/V Girls' Basketball games.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Correction on earlier schedule for the 10 tickets: The games with Centerville are Friday, February 5th, NOT the 6th.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Frustrated you haven't been able to come watch games this winter? We may have an answer for you.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Clarke Elementary is kicking off February Kindness month with a kindness spirit week! Wear green Monday for gratitude!
almost 4 years ago, Becca Kedley
Spirit week
Watch the Clarke Indian Varsity Basketball team take on Pleasantville at 2pm today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8My0y4-hMAk
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The last day of school for students is now June 1st.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
Buses will only be on hard surfaces both morning and afternoon routes January 28th.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
Reminder: For this week only, the Food Pantry will be handing out groceries today, Wednesday, January 27th from 4-5 pm at the Central Office building. Please walk toward the CLC doors to pick up your bags of groceries.
almost 4 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Buses will be on hard surfaces only, Wednesday, January 27th both morning and afternoon routes. Please call the bus barn at 342-4892 tomorrow morning before 6:30 with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke Community Schools will be closed Tuesday, January 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Seid
The Food Pantry will be open on Wednesday from 4-5 this week, and will not be open tomorrow.
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Schools Food Pantry