A high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been notified.
Sectional Wrestling in Winterset tomorrow starts at noon this Saturday. You can watch via live stream at: https://youtu.be/Kh96t7YaBSQ
Good luck to our wrestlers and coaches!!
All activities scheduled for today have been either cancelled or postponed. Please check at https://www.southcentralconf.org/public/genie/664/school/6/
for most updated information available.
Due to predicted weather, Clarke Schools will be closed today. No evening activities.
A high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. All close contacts have been notified.
The high school after school Study Table will meet in the Commons Area instead of the LMC, for today only.
The JV/V Boys Basketball games at Lamoni tonight will have NO spectator limitations. Masks are required. It would be a great night to drive south to watch our teams in action. First game at 6pm.
Livestream link for Girls Varsity vs. Knoxville
We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our live stream of the JV/V Girls' Basketball games.
Correction on earlier schedule for the 10 tickets: The games with Centerville are Friday, February 5th, NOT the 6th.
Frustrated you haven't been able to come watch games this winter? We may have an answer for you.
Clarke Elementary is kicking off February Kindness month with a kindness spirit week! Wear green Monday for gratitude!
Watch the Clarke Indian Varsity Basketball team take on Pleasantville at 2pm today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8My0y4-hMAk
Clarke After Prom Apparel Fundraiser: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/389913?org=clarke-community-schools
The last day of school for students is now June 1st.
Buses will only be on hard surfaces both morning and afternoon routes January 28th.
Reminder: For this week only, the Food Pantry will be handing out groceries today, Wednesday, January 27th from 4-5 pm at the Central Office building. Please walk toward the CLC doors to pick up your bags of groceries.
Buses will be on hard surfaces only, Wednesday, January 27th both morning and afternoon routes. Please call the bus barn at 342-4892 tomorrow morning before 6:30 with any questions.
Clarke Community Schools will be closed Tuesday, January 26th.
The Food Pantry will be open on Wednesday from 4-5 this week, and will not be open tomorrow.