Order your State Football shirts today!!! Sales end tonight at midnight.
The Clarke Marching Band just received a Division 1 rating at State Marching Band competition this morning in Waukee!! Congratulations to everyone!
The Clarke Marching Band just received a Division 1 rating at State Marching Band competition this morning in Waukee!! Congratulations to everyone!
The following is a link to order state t-shirts.
All orders will be shipped to the school by Thursday. Online orders close this Monday night @11:59pm.
It's official, Clarke has qualified for the 2021 State Football Postseason. More details to follow, including state shirt ordering.
We will be livestreaming the football game tonight through our website via YouTube. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/o/clarke-athletics/page/21-22-activity-live-stream
7pm kick-off
Correction: Book club meeting is Monday the 18th. Snacks will be provided. Thank you!
HS Students: Anyone interested in Book Club, please come to our meeting on Monday, October 28 during A lunch/advisory in Ms. Jones-Webb's room.
We will be offering the VIP parking again for the game this Friday night. Please email sue.brimm@clarke.k12.ia.us to reserve a spot. It will be $10 per vehicle. Sue will send you additional information.
Message from Food Service:
The video below is from our Food Vendor Martin Brothers, explaining the challenges of the Supply Chain and if there are changes to the menu.
The Activities Department is looking for an old school bell, something like what's in this picture. Please contact me if you know of one. rbolton@clarke.k12.ia.us
The Food Pantry will be handing out groceries today from 4-5. Please come to the Clarke Learning Center doors for pick-up.
The IGHSAU announced the first round volleyball pairings yesterday. We received a tough draw, but remember, the best team never wins, the team that plays the best does.
Dear Clarke Community,
After school today, we had two buses involved in a minor accident. We are thankful that no students or drivers sustained more than bumps or bruises. Many thanks to the first responders and school personnel that assisted with this process.
The Clarke Food Pantry will be handing out groceries today from 4-5 pm. Please park in the Central Office parking lot and walk to the Learning Center doors.
Information for the Varsity Football Game on 10/1/21 can be found here
It includes online, live-stream, and seating information.
Come out to East Lake County Park today to watch our cross country runners compete in their only home meet of the year. 4:30 MS, followed by HS races. $5 per vehicle
The Clarke Food Pantry will be handing out groceries from 4-5pm today. Drive into the Central Office parking lot and walk toward the Clarke Learning Center doors. Someone will meet you. Open to all Clarke families.
The game tonight will be livestreamed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWh5ck-uAmE
Coronation and Marching Band Halftime Show will be on the Clarke Community Schools Facebook page.
Don't forget! PACK THE PANTRY tonight at the football game! For every 5 food items you bring to donate to the food pantry, you will be entered to win one of our great prizes. Look for the pick up down by the field to drop your donation.