


  • Our MS/HS  online catalog, Alex Researcher,  is now hosted in the Cloud. It is available to students/staff, with or without a library username and password,  24/7, 365 days per year! 

  • Students/Staff do not need an account to use Alex Researcher to find a book!!

  •  For written directions for using Alex Researcher, all four modules, v7, click written directions for v7

  • For short videos explaining how to use Alexandria Researcher, Search module, v7, click Alex v7 videos.

  • With a user name and password,  students/staff can access their library account at anytime:

    • Once logged in, students/staff can check to see what books they currently have checked out, when those books are due, see any lost book charges, place holds on books they want to check out, write book reviews,  etc.  Students/staff are  responsible paying for any lost books.

    • All students/staff will need to contact Mrs. Wiley for their username and password to access their account.

You can also use Alex Researcher (our online library catalog), without logging in to your account. To search for books from your Chromebook, click on Clarke BookMarks under the URL in your web browser. 

  • Go to Clarke BookMarks and pull down to choose Alexandria. 

  • When Alexandria opens, click on Researcher (looks like a magnifying glass).

  • You can do a quick search by author, title, series, subject, all word,  genre or go to the Explore section and click on “What’s New.”

  • To place holds on books or reserve books, you need your username and password.

  • Our online catalog is available 24/7!

If you would like to request or book title or an author for the MS/HS Library, please click here. Mrs. Wiley will find the book/author and read reviews for your suggestion. If it’s recommended for MS/HS students, it may be added to our library.

Feeling stressed? Need a break? The Stress-Less Station has returned!!

Don’t throw old markers away! Students, teachers, staff, bring your old dried-out markers, any kind, to the MS/HS Library. Place them in the white box inside the main door, and when the box is full, they will be shipped, free of charge, to Crayola to be recycled. The paper box is ready and waiting - keep bringing in markers to recycle!

Information about some of the websites above:

Alexandria Researcher - Online Catalog - search the MS/HS catalog by author, title, subject, call number, key word, genre, series, eBook, most popular, what's new and award winners to find the book you are looking for! Our online catalog is now available 24/7!
Questions? Ask Mrs. Wiley today! - a book recommendation site for Middle and High School students.

Guys Read - recommends books for guys to read.

60second Recap® - brings classic literature to life with short videos that explain critical points for discussion and understanding, including plot, themes, characters, symbols, and more. The site's 600+ videos have helped high school students and teachers around the world with reading comprehension, essay-writing, and understanding of key literary terms.

Iowa AEA Online Resources -
Please ask or email Mrs. Wiley for login and password information. This information is only provided for Clarke students, teachers/staff and families of Clarke students.

MackinVia - Fiction and Nonfiction eBooks. For first time users, type Clarke High School or Clarke Middle School, Osceola, IA, then use the Iowa AEA Online Resources username and password for the MS/HS to log-in to this sight. Once on the site, click "login" at the top right corner of the page, and then create your own account called "backpack". Use your backpack username and password to log again. 

Follett Shelf - MS/HS Fiction and Nonfiction eBooks. Use the AEA Iowa Online Resources username and password to login to the site. See Mrs. Wiley if you need this log-in information. When you click on the Follett Shelf icon above, it will take you to then Green Hills AEA MediaNet web page.  Look for Follett Shelf on the right side of the page, and click it to access the site.

Project Gutenberg - offers over 42,000 free eBooks: choose among free e pub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.

WILBOR - Check out an eBook or Audio book for FREE on your Windows/Mac laptop or desktop computer, Android phone, Blackberry or iPod, iPad, iPhone, Nook or Kindle, etc., using your public library card number.

Library Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:40 am to 3:30 pm
The library will be closed on weekends, major holidays, spring break and during summer vacation.

Alex Researcher, our MS/HS Online Catalog, is available 24/7!  You can access the catalog by clicking on Clarke Book Marks in the browser of you school issued Chromebook, and pulling down to HS/MS Alexandria.

Mrs. Kelly Wiley
6-12 Teacher Librarian
9-12 Study Hall Supervisor


Clarke MS/HS Library is a combined 6th-12th grade library. The collection is not leveled or organized by grade or content. Every student has access to all books/materials available in the library.

Mrs. Wiley